CIAO CAFECIAO CAFE Address : 40 Ngô Đức Kế, Quận 1, TP. HCM Tel : 08 3829149 2 stories cafe. Comfortable sofas. Many of Vietnamese comics. I like the low ceiling in 2nd story. Feel like MY ATTIC ROOM. CIAO CAFE12065809_883864305030742_8354931549915442147_n12108806_883864321697407_7422083821384180487_n #BOOKS #2stories #Ciaocafe #Ngoducke #atticcafe
CIAO CAFE Address : 40 Ngô Đức Kế, Quận 1, TP. HCM Tel : 08 3829149 2 stories cafe. Comfortable sofas. Many of Vietnamese comics. I like the low ceiling in 2nd story. Feel like MY ATTIC ROOM. CIAO CAFE12065809_883864305030742_8354931549915442147_n12108806_883864321697407_7422083821384180487_n #BOOKS #2stories #Ciaocafe #Ngoducke #atticcafe